
stones-02A14J73We leave no stone unturned!

As business owners, you are responsible for the financial health and management of your enterprise. This includes managing financial resources, including accounting and financial reporting, budgeting, collecting accounts receivable, risk management, and insurance.

At Louise Rayner CPA Professional Corporation we pride ourselves on our multi-faceted approach to helping you define and achieve your goals.  We’re reliable, responsible and resourceful. Contact us today! Our accounting expertise includes:


Corporate Tax Return preparation

We care about your business and the amount of taxes you pay — and we’re going to ask questions to ensure nothing is missed! You can depend on us for reliable and timely preparation of tax returns and e-filing.

Corporate Tax Return testimonial


Personal Tax Return preparation

In a perfect world an individual should neither owe a balance to CRA or be owed a refund from CRA. The tax planning we provide our clients helps move them towards this outcome. We even help our clients keep their receipts organized with our Personal Tax Checklist envelope so that when the time comes, everything’s ready for us to review and process on your behalf.


Consulting & Tax Planning

Sometimes our clients want to bounce ideas around and get feedback from an unbiased source related to Financial or Ministry of Labour situations. Our job is to listen, brainstorm, and help our clients resolve situations to everyone’s satisfaction.


Payroll, Payroll Withholdings, WSIB and EHT

The moment you hire an employee, you enter a complex world of payroll calculations,
withholdings and remittances such as Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) and
Employer Heath Tax (EHT). We can make it easy for you with online calculators,
templates and year-end reporting assistance. Ask us how!


Sales Tax Reporting, RST, GST, HST

Accuracy is essential when calculating and reporting Retail Sales Tax (RST), Goods & Services Tax (GST), and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). We can help you navigate the complications of Sales Tax Reporting and help you stay on track with remittances.


Budgeting & Forecasting

Regardless of how profitable (or not) your business is, every enterprise should be budgeting based on past patterns and forecasted growth. We’re here to help you figure out your options with smart “what if” scenarios and no nonsense consulting. From budget preparation and financial forecasting to financial consulting for owner managed businesses — your Balance Sheet, Trial Balance, and Income Statement will read like a best seller!

Budgeting testimonial


Canada Revenue Agency Audit Support

Is your business being audited by CRA?  Relax, we’ll be right there with you to answer auditor questions and provide the information they’re looking for. We have solid CRA expertise. We can also help you prepare for a CRA audit.

CRA Audit Support testimonial


Software Installation and Training

New accounting software package? We can install and train your staff on how to maximize your computerized accounting system and generate clear and concise reports that are easy to understand and take action on. We are proficient with QuickBooks and Sage Accounting.

Software Installation & Training testimonial

QuickBooks | Sage 50 Accounting 


Business Plans

Whether you’re starting a new venture or developing annual financial models, if you want to know where you’re going – you need a plan! We help owner managed businesses, small businesses, home based businesses and more navigate the path ahead!