In response to the country’s call to stay home and practice social distancing, I have decided to close my office to meetings till March 31st. I am still working and available by phone, text and email to respond to questions. I ask for patience as I prioritize inquiries from small business owners looking for advice on mandated closings and staffing issues.
It was announced today by the Prime Minister that this Friday there will be an update regarding income tax filings and business payments. Once that information is available, I will post additional details on my website and business Facebook page.
I am continuing to process T1 personal returns. Your documents and receipts can be sent to me through email, Dropbox or Google Drive. If you are out buying essential groceries and wish to leave the information in my mailbox, please do so. Text me at 905-466-2954 and I will retrieve it.
There is still plenty of time for returns to be prepared for the current April 30th deadline. Do your best to stay home and be safe.
Louise Rayner, CPA, CMA
Louise Rayner CPA Professional Corporation