Are you an early tax filer?

My sister Anita is an early filer.  She likes to get her return completed and efiled before I get crazy busy with client returns.  A couple of weeks ago on a Sunday, she dropped by with all her information and we got the return complete, forms signed and efiled.  A week later when I checked her status, her return had been processed and her refund was to be directly deposited to her bank account in 5 days.

Next day she bbm’s me to say she just got another slip in the mail, now what?  No worries I said, we’ll just amend the return once you get your refund.  A T1-adjustment form was prepared and sent off to CRA requesting an adjustment.  If you need to amend a return after it has filed, you have a few options to make your adjustment.  Check the CRA website for details: